Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd November 7th, 2024 1,447 Views 32 Comments
Also delight yourself in Yahweh, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to Yahweh. Trust also in him, and he will do this: he will make your righteousness shine out like light, and your justice as the noon day sun. Psalm 37:4-6 WEB.
Once while performing a deed search on some property, we found a tax lien had been filed against us by the state for several thousand dollars. After calling the Department of Revenue, they said we had missed filing some business form about office furniture years ago. Yet, we didn't have an office.
So they "estimated" that we owed the maximum amount they could charge. Then the penalties and fines multiplied for years. We had never received any notification about this form and were horrified when we found out. They couldn't give us the details because the record had been archived. The lady on the phone told us that they would have to restore a backup of it that night and to "Please check back tomorrow."
My wife Sylvia and I joined hands and prayed about this together. One phrase came to me, "Say nothing negative."
Every fiber of my being wanted to scream, "We don't owe this in the first place!" I wanted to whine and complain so badly…but we didn't. Instead, we just didn't talk about it at all for the next 24 hours. We ate dinner in silence. It wasn't easy. We just had to trust God to handle the situation because it had grown into a mountain.
The next day we called the D.O.R. back and found that it was an error. They agreed that we never owed the bill. So the penalties and fees shouldn't have accumulated anyway. The lady nicely removed the record, and the tax lien went away.
When mountains rise up in front of you, and things begin to look impossible to resolve, trust in the Lord God. He can make the impossible come to pass, for nothing is impossible for Him. God can move the mountain.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please melt the mountains in my life. Cover me with your Holy Spirit and protect me during this time. Help me make the right decisions and to say nothing negative. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Today is Thankful Thursday at the Ministry Events group! This event gives us an opportunity encourage each other by posting thoughts, moments, and prayers of gratitude for Him, His creation and all that He does in our lives. All our welcome! To join, just click on the group name and then the join link on the page that will follow. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.
Thank you pastor Dion for sharing this story and reminding us the importance of trusting God... The Lord Jesus is the only way forward when things get tough... Only He can smooth the waters. Thanks be to God... And the messenger who spread His word... Thank you pastor Dion and Sylvia for all that you both do... 😊😊
Comment from Sherry Mccosh
2 months ago
Amen!! Yes Jesus is the only way!!
Heavenly Father, please melt the mountains in my life. Cover me with your Holy Spirit and protect me during this time. Help me make the right decisions and to say nothing negative. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! Awesome devotion today Pastor, thank you for all that you and Sylvia do!! Bless you both in the name of Jesus!!
For my RHM brothers and Sisters that have been and said prayers for my grandson Austin, thank you, he told my son he wanted to continue with his martial arts and work hard for his belts and continue his classes. This was a big mountain for him and us. Thank you Jesus for praying believing people in this world. Thank you Lord for your hand on my grandson. Amen
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
Great news Wanda.I am happy for your family and especially Austin ❤️
Good morning, y'all, may you have a blessed Thursday - thankful for all of you 💛!
Comment from Dan Remley
3 months ago
Good evening Sylvia and pastor Dion. Good evening to my wonderful RHM family as well ❤️
Comment from Debi Burton
3 months ago
Good Morning to everyone too! Have a blessed day!
Amen and Amen!!! I'm committing my way to the Lord, as He directs my path! Actually, I'd would almost prefer to say "pledge", but I know myself that I'm weak and depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to cover me especially especially when facing another mountain!!! 🙏
Dear Father in Heaven, you are mighty and fierce, NOTHING and NO ONE can stop your power for You alone can make mountains look like valleys. I know this because my testimony is that when I look to You for guidance, you ALWAYS come through. I am thankful to You for the love and compassion you show me EVERYDAY whether I have been good or bad YOU never hold that against me as I know that there are times when I feel so wronged in many situations but realize that we ALL go through storms in our lives and YOU are right by our sides to see us through.
As I woke up this morning I feel that our country is in a state of serious dispair and we as a nation and a people should look to YOU for continued guidance and recognize that there are reasons why things happen. We may not like it, we may not understand it and we may even revel in chaos; however, we are Your children and we must understand that YOU ARE POWERFUL and NOTHING and NO ONE can ever change that! My prayer is that in the end, ALL things will work out for the greater good because I know that You are a compassionate, loving, understanding, ALL forgiving Father who ALWAYS wants the best for his children. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen 🙏🙏🙏!!
Comment from Sherry Mccosh
2 months ago
Praying that God will send you so many blessing , comfort and peace!!