Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd April 15th, 2024 2,400 Views 10 Comments
Note: Happy Monday, and thank you to all who waited patiently last week while we paused to work on our email delivery and new website :). It was a challenging week, but we are happy with the results and grateful to the Lord for His grace. We encourage all of you who have not already done so to create an account at the website and join us at the online church. There is also a new choice to receive the full text of the devotionals in email, rather than a link to the website. You can find that option in your Profile Settings once you are logged in. Blessings to you and please let us know if you have any questions!
Amen and Amen, Pastor, and thank you again for all of your help, getting me straightened out and your encouraging words !!! I thank the Lord for you and Sylvia, and yes, you're so right, we are here for "such a time as this" all according to God's, our Lord's plan, as He directs and leads!! (h5) Thank you so much for sharing your testimonies including the vision you had of that dusty figurine!! It reminds me of the dreams I had when God would either warn me of something to happen or prepare me ahead of time for something, and I vividly remember a dream I had or was it a vision, when we had just moved to Tennessee many years ago for my husband to start a new position, our daughter was just 5 years old, and we had a hefty mortgage to worry about, etc., and Tom shortly after he had started came home and had quit his job, because of some major disagreement and his temper! I was desperately looking to find a job, and he had a hard time finding a replacement, then I had a major accident that totaled the the only car we had, and then I got so sick and couldn't keep anything down anymore and had to be hospitalized. Our little one was picked up by her grandma from Michigan till I finally got better. "And there I saw myself and little Yvonne in the middle of an island surrounded by nothing but water, and a giant hand came down and picked us up and put us on shore, on dry land" I cannot describe the peace I felt then, and I still do, knowing that I'm/we were not alone, and I know that God, is with us, cares for us, listens to us and our prayers, and is silent at times, and that for a reason!! HE is so real to me, praise His holy name!!! (h5)
Although I have only recently created an account here at RHM, I have read and listened to these devotionals for several years. Thank you for your faithfulness. Change and moving forward is good.
Comment from Dion Todd
9 months ago
Thank you, Steve. By developing our own site like this from scratch, we are able to make it do what we want. That will enable us to have apps, better mobile display, and so many other things. We plan for it to grow with us. Also, we cleaned house during the process. A fresh start now and then is good.
Comment from Sylvia Todd
9 months ago
Amen, brother, glad you are here :)!
Rise From the Dust from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Moses was a fiery young man in Egypt, raised by the daughter of Pharaoh and reared with all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22). He was mighty in words and deeds, but when he turned forty years old, things seemed to fall apart. One day he went to visit his people, the Hebrews, who... Read the full post here: Rise From the Dust
Comment from Sylvia Todd
9 months ago
Billy, as Dion said, he will fix you up with something soon :). Since you're trying to share on Facebook, you are welcome to join our FB page here: If you go to the Like button there, there should be a dropdown to add the page as a Favorite. That will give you a notification when there is a post. I post the devotional every day there (unless I forget, lol).
Comment from Dion Todd
9 months ago
William, give me a day or two and I will have your Share on Facebook button back. Features like that are still being added. If you are in a hurry, copy and paste it into Facebook. EDIT: I got it done. Click on the big blue Share on Facebook button and let me know if you have any problems with it.