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Bad Note Blues

Posted by Dion Todd January 7th, 2016 11,705 Views 0 Comments

For I, Yahweh your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, Don't be afraid; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 WEB

We have a proverb that we live by in music while performing: "If you hit a bad note, hit it good.' (technically, it would be "hit it well", but that's what the phrase is here). Do not let the fear of failure keep you from performing your best. If you are going to fail at something, let it be a glorious failure where you did not hold back, but gave it all that you had. In the end you will be happier and so will the audience.

I have seen people fumble all the way through a song because they were so concerned about the bridge that was coming up. In reality, ninety-nine percent of the audience will not notice a missed note if you just smile and keep going like you intended to do that.

When God opens the door for you to do something, He will also provide you with the ability to do it. The key is that you have to step out in faith and go through that door. You will not even know that you have the ability until you try. Peter did not know that he could walk on water, until he did it.

Do not let fear hold you back from what God wants you to do. Step out in faith knowing that He has your right hand and is the One that will help you. Don't let the worry of failure cause you to miss the entire song. Embrace it with a smile knowing that God has got your back.

Prayer: Father I thank You for all that You do for me. Lead me into all that You have for me and help me make the right decisions. Teach me to trust You and walk with me today, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Good morning, all! For members of the Creation Photographers group, the theme of the week is "Sunrises & Sunsets"! You are invited to post photos of God''s glory in His dawn and dusk! As always, feel free to post other photos :). The Haven of Hope group is looking towards a fresh start with its January topic "A New Year...A New Beginning". This discussion topic was created to work in harmony with the FAAD topic this week and contains a powerful testimony on the topic of saying "no" to abuse and to make a fresh beginning. In the Healthful Living group, we are looking for feedback on what your health goals are for 2016, so please post on the discussion topic there if you are interested :). Have a blessed day!

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