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Courage is found in Him

Posted by Jeffrey Smith May 6th, 2016 3,022 Views 0 Comments

Matthew 16:25-For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Use your fear, it can take you to a place where you store your courage. Amelia Earhart.

What she was talking about was an internal drive. This is a true statement, but not how Amelia Earhart intended. Where do you store your courage? We store it in Jesus Christ. It is stored up in faith. Faith is the absence of fear. 
Fear is temporary but can feel eternal. The truth is that when we have the courage to go to Jesus, we flip the script on the world view about fear. Jesus gives us the fear neutralizer through His sacrifice. There is no longer any reason to fear. You see, all fear is fear of death. We can rationalize it over layers and layers of misnomers, but they all lead to a death of some thing. Let's say we have a fear of financial ruin. Well, ultimately that is a fear of death. Losing financial means leads to lack of housing, vehicles, food, starvation, and then death. Spiders? You get bit, and die. Snakes, heights, the dark, all the same things. It is the unknown that happens from a perceived threat against the comfort zone that we carry with us on the dashboard in our minds. The truth is that we are assured of eternal rest in paradise. Is that really the best threat the enemy has against us? All pain, suffering, and death is temporary. There is a completion date and the proof is that the completed work at the cross ended the disconnect between life and death with life, death, and resurrection into eternal paradise. You see when we get a fear drop from the enemy, we have the last laugh. The end is better than the beginning. We are all temporary residents here on earth. Whether or not our lives meet our expectations is of no matter when we receive our liberation into our eternal home with Jesus.
The good news brothers and sister is that when we give up our lives, our expectations of what our lives should be, we will gain a new life. One that Jesus has for us. His promise is for us to live a life, and a life abundant. That part is a gift from Jesus. Our part is to let go of our fears, our reactive mentality to grasp for straws when we have a hand out reaching to pull us up out of the free fall of the fear fantasy that we allow ourselves to think about when we are faced with uncertainty. 
Let go of the should be's the I should have's and let go of the PowerPoint presentation about how your life is what you make it. It ain't about what you can do, it's about what Jesus has done. He took away the only true fear the enemy had on us all and that is eternal damnation without Jesus. That power is removed. Trust in Jesus and be liberated from all of your fears. All the courage you need gave Himself up, was slain a criminals death, beaten, scourged, and humiliated in all of our place. That brothers and sisters is where our courage is stored.

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