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In His Time...

Posted by David and Dianna Wyles August 24th, 2016 3,877 Views 0 Comments

In His time

Isaiah 40:31 “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”


 I love to go birding! Have you ever watched an Eagle soar? It seems to be such a graceful effortless flight as they glide higher & higher in the heavens with little or no effort at all.  That’s actually an amazingly great image of God.  We too can soar above the storms in life if we wait on Him and if need be, we can pass through those storms “with wings like eagles” if we put our trust in God’s timing and not our own. In this way we can walk without fainting because God will renew the strength of those who wait upon Him and wait for His perfect timing.

 Patience is not my best virtue! I believe God has been schooling me on patience for a minute now. At least since I left my job of 17 years last October, in search of… well, me I suppose. Stuck and stagnant, trying to heal from multiple family illnesses, eventual loss, grief, and to find my way into healing… I was not happy where I was. In a moment of truth and clarity, I choose to walk away from a place I no longer felt was mine. I knew in my heart God was leading me from a road of despair into a much better place. I had NO idea what that actually looked like or how my future would unfold. I only knew I needed to take this step/leap of faith and know that God would have my back. I wanted to be strong in faith and I was not feeling too strong in that moment, but I knew God was strong!

Philippians 4:13(NKJV) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

 So I took a couple months off to rest and refresh… to heal. I figured I would start looking in Dec/ Jan. and it wouldn’t take long to find a job and a place that felt like I belonged again. I believe God had other plans for me… it was NOT easy to find a job and it seemed no one was even looking at my resume. I was applying everywhere I felt I was even remotely qualified for > to no avail. Even when I did get an interview I didn’t get the job! It was like ALL doors were closed to me. I tried hard to keep faith… I knew God did not lead me out of a 17 year career to make me homeless… yet things didn’t look good. As days turned into week & weeks turned into months, my hope waivered a bit but deep down I still knew     ”God has Great Plans for me” (Jeremiah 29:11)

 I had been praying the whole time and asking for guidance “Only your will Father” was always my prayer. "Lead me to where you want me Lord.” That guidance led me to be more active here at RHM, to pray more for others than for myself, to say YES more when asked to help, to learn to blog… One day while struggling with fear and doubt I began to pray… in prayer “Blog it out” seemed to keep coming back to me and I had no idea why. I’m no expert writer and I surely had no idea how to begin a blog. But I wanted to follow God’s guidance and feeling like it was him leading, I asked our Pastor’s wife about blogging.  God knows what he is doing. I love blogging! I have been graced with much healing through “Blogging it out” as the message came to me.

 I was also led to write and publish a children’s book (look for it on Something I would never have thought possible about myself… Yet God knew I had a book in me and guided me to get it out of my head and into the published world. He put good people in my life like Pastor Dion, his wife Sylvia, and others who helped to encourage me to use my passion of photography and create something that would bring God Glory.


  I know very little about marketing a book (or anything else for that matter) but God has been my guide for marketing too and led me to the people that have helped along the way. Am I suddenly a master marketer? No>> but I am learning new things every day and in his timing he has shown a whole other part of myself I did not know existed.

 All this Guidance has blessed my household 100 fold, yet stable income has not been a strong part of the last 10 months of our life. It was not his time to bless me this way yet…While I am happy to say our Lord has provided in mighty ways, I was not provided an open door to employment and this had me very discouraged at times. I like our bills paid timely and not being able to stay ahead of them has made me struggle on days to hold tight to that strong faith that God would have my back. However, when I look back, I see how he has carried my family through this lean time with many blessings and provisions I so cannot complain… for the last 10 months we have had a roof over us, food, clothes, electricity… we have been provided for. Many friends and their gardens have kept fresh fruits and vegetables in our home weekly. We have been blessed by random acts of kindness and generosity from God’s loving people. I’ve learned a lot about a giving heart. This month alone good people here at RHM have lovingly sent gifts of love to us and helped to pay Rent and PG&E!


  Never in my life has this kind of grace and love been shown to me! I am in awe at our Heavenly Father’s generous ways to have people whom I love and fellowship with often, but have never even met face to face show us such unselfish kindness!  I only hope one day to be able to pay-it-forward and show this kind of God’s love in action to someone else in need.

  In His Time … God has helped me grow, to learn more about myself, who I am, and to whom I belong through this time and now has FINALLY blessed me with a job to start soon!!!! I am a Preschool Teacher once again! I am so grateful for these last 10 months and the journey of faith I have been on. I am also very grateful to  be feeling like we are moving forward into stability again… we may be a bit behind in bills still but I can see a way out now and God has surly blessed us beyond measure in the ways he helped us to grow and has provided abundantly through these trying times. He has taught me to trust him more than ever and know even when I’m in doubt that it’s just Satan whispering lies again and I really have no need to fear or doubt anything God has promised. He’s not the liar! He’s the one who gives me purpose, who wakes me up each day, and provides in mighty ways!

 Joshua 1:9 (NLT) - This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

 If ever you are feeling fear or doubt that God is not listening, Please know he is always with us and guiding us daily. It didn’t feel like it until I looked back and saw just how well taken care we have been… don’t despair… know God is there!

Luke 12:32(NIV) - Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

 Have you checked out my new book yet?  It's simple and childlike in format yet ageless in content and inspiration :) my intent anyway :) let me know if you agree!  I know it will bless you and I'm eager to get your feedback! If you have had the opportunity to read "Heart Blessings A Children's Seek and Find" Please connect with me by posting a comment below. Also, if you are a Facebook member and have been encouraging and praying for my new adventures in publishing I was hoping I could get you to hop over to my new page to like it and leave a comment please. The more likes I get, the more chance it has of reaching those in need of hope! Let's get this book out there so people can be blessed by it and we can watch the knowledge of God's love grow! Thanks so much for any and all your love, prayers, and support!

To order my new Book: Heart Blessings A Children's Seek and Find

My Author’s Page

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Get a free Kindle Edition with the purchase of a printed copy.

God bless >>> May you always see God’s love in action!



Biblical References:  Holy Bible in various translations

Photography by: Dainna Wyles




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