Do You See What I See

Posted by Dion Todd March 26th, 2017 8,835 Views 0 Comments

Jesus answered him, 'Simon, I have something to tell you.' He said, 'Teacher, say on.' A certain lender had two debtors. The one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they couldn't pay, he forgave them both. Which of them therefore will love him most?' Simon answered, 'He, I suppose, to whom he forgave the most.' He said to him, 'You have judged correctly.' Luke 7:40 WEB

As Jesus reclined on a low couch at the table, with His head near the table and His feet away from it, a former prostitute crept into the house and stood over His feet. She began to cry and her tears fell on the feet of Jesus. She let her hair down (which women never did in public) and began to wipe His feet with her hair, to dry her tears from them. After this, she kissed His feet and anointed them with very expensive perfume, which the women cherished.

Simon the Pharisee was disgusted and thought that she should not even be here in his house, and she was certainly not welcome at his table. He said to himself that Jesus was no prophet or He would have known who this woman was that was touching Him.

Jesus did know, and He told a parable about two debtors who were forgiven of their debt, one five hundred denarii and the other fifty. A denarii was a day's wage for a laborer. He then asked Simon who would love the moneylender more. Simon answered that it was the one who owed more, and Jesus told him that he had judged rightly. The moneylender forgave them, then the people loved him.

Simon felt that he was holy and had no sin because Pharisees kept a long set of rules, while the woman knew that she was a sinner and regretted it. Simon saw the woman for what she used to be. Jesus saw who the woman was now. Simon could not see beyond her past, while Jesus forgave her past. The Pharisees were exclusive, while Jesus was inclusive. How could the religious leaders of the day see things so differently from God?

It does not matter what you have done in the past; you can be forgiven today. When you come into the Lord's presence, you will find forgiveness, acceptance, and love. Religious people and satan have a lot in common. They will keep looking at your past and try to make you feel like trash so they can feel righteous about their own mistakes. Jesus sees who you are now. Lift up your head and know that God loves you no matter what you have done in the past. You are welcome at His table.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, let me see those around me, through Your eyes. Help me to see the good in people and to love them, as You love them. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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