RHM January 2017 Newsletter

Posted by Dion Todd February 3rd, 2017 5,467 Views 0 Comments

January Newsletter - 2017

Thank you for being a part of Refreshing Hope Ministries. This is an update on what has been happening here during the last month and I thank you for taking time to read it.

Welcome to the year of 2017. The cold war was going to incinerate us all, but it didn’t. Y2K was going to start the apocalypse, but it didn’t. Jesus was going to return at least four times during my life, but He hasn’t yet. Yes, I do believe that He will return, but I have learned to not put a date on it.

As I was preparing my message for last Sunday, I did some research into Internet speeds. In the early 90s, when we used dialup modems at 1200 baud, it would have taken just over 80 days to download one of our current video teachings. Now you can just click play. Never before has there been such a time as this.

See, the Lord prepares us in advance, and while He is doing that, it often does not seem to make sense. When I was young, He told me that I would be in ministry one day and to prepare myself. Then I ended up working on a whole lot of computers.

As I built web servers, networked data centers, designed websites and worked my way through seminary, I had no idea that it was all part of His plan. Many times I just thought that I had missed Him, or made enough mistakes that He finally got someone else. Now here we are, and using the skills that we learned along the way for His kingdom.

We are now here for such a time as this. Never before has a generation had this opportunity. Anyone with an Internet connection now has more information available to them than a library contains. Information is no longer just for the scholars, but now open to all.

Twenty years ago, technology was not advanced enough to run an online church, and we would not have known how. When you are walking with Jesus, the things that you are doing today, are always preparing you for tomorrow. We are at the beginning of a new era of the church, one without walls, and it is exciting to be here.

Online Church News: www.refreshinghope.org - We have grown to 3,606 members and 16,462 friendships. We have had 77 prayer requests and sent 305 replies to them. A big thanks to our ministry team, who faithfully visit the prayer page and lift up the needs of our members.

Black RHM Polo Shirt

During one of our live meetings, I happened to wear an RHM prototype shirt that I have and several people wanted one. So at the request of some of our members, we are looking into creating an RHM store online where you will be able to buy Refreshing Hope shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads, phone covers and other things. There will be more to come on this.

The Refreshing Hope live meetings are happening each Sunday morning at 11 AM Eastern Time. The attendance usually runs between 30 to 50 people. For those that cannot attend, the messages are recorded and placed on the website at refreshinghope.org. Click “Watch” on the menu and “Watch Previous Services”. Many thanks to all those who have been participating in the live meetings. It has been a great experience and the whole group, praying together for each other is making a difference for many.

New Videos Are Available:
We completed our seven part video series on the end times called “What Time Is It?” and have also added three other messages:

* What time is it? Part 6: The Dark Ages

* What time is it? Part 7: The Restoration of the Church
* A Fresh Start
* Christmas Message: Who is Jesus?
* Abiding in the Vine

Click here to watch them:

Group and Member News:
New Technical Group: “Fun With Electronics” I am launching a new technical group to discuss, well, anything to do with computers, electronics, programming, websites and such. It has always been a passion of mine, and I plan to share things that I have learned, my experience, and to answer questions. Maybe we can help each other. Feel free to join. Technical knowledge is not a requirement and everyone is welcome.

New Group for Musicians: “Make a Joyful Noise” We have many musicians and singers at Refreshing Hope and I have had some requests to bring them together. I am starting a group for the musically inclined to meet and help each other. Many of us are in worship teams, or just play solo, but we all have experience to share. Also we are just moving into an area of recording music at RHM. It would be great to discuss it with others. All are welcome to join, the only requirement is a love of music. I would be happy to find someone to lead this group if anyone is interested.

Help Wanted: Calling All Quiz Masters: It would be great if we had some people that would help us create Bible Quizzes for the website. Some of my quizzes make peoples eyes glaze over. I think that it is a great and fun way for people to learn about the Bible in an interactive way. If you are interested in helping out, contact us.  

If you are in need of prayer, we are here for you! Just click on the Prayer link on the website menu (you will need to be logged in). Also, if you are interested in joining our prayer team, please do contact us.

Many thanks to each of you for being part of Refreshing Hope Ministries. We pray for each of you daily, and are grateful for your encouragement, prayers and support!

Pastor Dion

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