
Posted by Jeffrey Smith July 8th, 2016 3,300 Views 0 Comments

2 Timothy:3:15-17: From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.

All scripture is God-breathed. The book of Timothy tells us that from our infancy we have known the Holy Scriptures and it makes us wise for salvation through faith in Jesus. When we understand what Paul is saying here, we will have a fresh and renewed view of all of scripture. 

Paul is talking about the infancy of our faith in Jesus Christ. Since we were born in the flesh from day one we all would not be reading this today if we did not breath in and exhale out physically. We require oxygen. We require healthy clear air to breath. Breathing is an involuntary function of body, meaning we do not have to remember to breath like we have to remember to pick up milk at the store on the way home from work. Whether or not we are conscience or fully awake, we don't sit and dwell on our breathing unless there is unrest, some fear going on inside, or sickness. 

What then is he saying about making us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus? Wisdom comes from knowledge. Wisdom is also something that becomes involuntary when it is fully received and understood. When we get the knowledge of the breath of God through scripture, we become secure in our knowledge of our very own salvation through faith. You see God breathed and creation became. The earth was formed, the animals and fish flourished and man came into being. That is life. Likewise, all scripture is God breathed, and since Jesus is the word made flesh (see John 1) we know the Holy Scriptures through our faith and relationship with Jesus. When we read, study, and digest the word of God, we dive into the knowledge and wisdom of our Savior. 

The word of God, and our faith are cohesive in that, the more faith we have, the more wisdom and knowledge we will accumulate in Jesus. We will continue to see more and more of Him in our lives. We will see more and more confirmation of His voice in our hearts. We will see more and more healing, peace, effortless success, unity with others. Take a fresh look at Jesus every morning. Jesus is quite literally an open book for us all to see. take it in daily and watch the involuntary flow of love like breathing take over inside you today.

Father, thank You for Your Son who is the Word made flesh. Thank You for giving us all we need through Jesus today in Jesus name, amen. 

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