Make a prayer

Posted by Jeffrey Smith April 25th, 2016 2,794 Views 0 Comments

Psalm 91:9-11- If you make the Most High your dwelling even the Lord, who is my refuge-- then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;

When we were kids, my Mom would tell us to take a dandelion that had come beyond bloom, make a wish, and blow on it. It is like sending out hundreds of wishes. That is one of the most innocent things in the word. I remember watching the many white fluttering particles and wondering where they went to. Some of them fell to the ground, some fluttered a little ways away, and still others got caught up in the breeze and flowed higher and higher, and drifted off beyond my eyesight. They looked like little angels flying around effortlessly but with a purpose. Why some went left and others went right I didn’t know. 

The word of God says, that His word will not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). When we pray using the word of God, it is like sending out hundreds of angels, all with a purpose, and that is to protect you, and fulfill His word. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is God-breathed, which means when we pray using His word, there is His very breath in those prayers. It is in this that we know that there is nothing more powerful that we can do in this life than to pray using His word. Trust in Jesus, and know that we must take our prayers, hold them up to the Lord like an over-bloomed dandelion and He will breath out, sending His angels out to guard us in all our ways. 

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