Bring The Breakthrough

Posted by Dion Todd September 11th, 2015 12,594 Views 0 Comments

Our God, will you not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that comes against us; neither know we what to do: but out eyes are on you. All Judah stood before Yahweh, with their little ones, their wives, and their children. 2 Chronicles 20:12 WEB

While under the reign of Jehoshaphat, Judah began to have a small revival and returned to the Lord for a season. Then the Ammonites and Moabites, who came from Lot's incest with his daughters (Gen. 19:36), invaded Judah with a great army. Jehoshaphat was scared, began to seek the Lord and declared a fast throughout Judah.

As everyone gathered before the Lord at the temple, the Spirit of God came on Jahaziel and he declared, this battle is the Lord's. The Lord told them to not be afraid nor dismayed, that they should go out against them tomorrow for He would be with them (20:17). The following morning, the people marched out to face the giant army as God had told them to. Jehoshaphat encouraged the people with:

'Hear me, Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: believe in Yahweh your God, so shall you be established; believe his prophets, so shall you prosper' (2 Chronicles 20:20).

Then Jehoshaphat set the praise team in front of the army, and they began to sing praise songs to the Lord: "Give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness endures forever". When they began to sing, the enemy army turned on each other and began to fight amongst themselves. They completely wiped each other out and by the time that Judah got to the battle, there were only dead bodies and treasure to be found. None had escaped.

When Judah arrived, they found an abundance of riches and precious jewels, more than they could even carry. It took three days to loot all the spoil because it was so much. What a breakthrough! On the fourth day the people held a gathering in the valley and blessed the Lord, for He had caused them to rejoice over their enemies (2 Chronicles 20:26).

Here is a summary of what happened:

1) There was a small revival stirring in Judah.

2) Their enemies were then stirred up against them and invaded.

3) Judah sought the Lord with prayer, praise, and fasting.

4) The Lord told them not to fear, but go face their enemy and they obeyed.

5) The Lord made their battle His, and destroyed the enemy armies.

6) Judah looted an abundance of treasure, much more than any army should be carrying with them.

7) They gave thanks to God for the amazing breakthrough.

When you begin to seek God in a deeper way, opposition will certainly come against you. Do not turn back in fear, for this is when you need to press into God even more as they did, until He makes the battle His own. Give Him no rest. God did not take His people around the problem. He had them face it and took them straight through it. God still commanded them to go out to the battle, though it was His. While they were marching out and began to sing praises, He fought the battle for them. If they had cowered in fear in the their walled city, it is very doubtful that God would have done anything. That is why fear is so destructive. It stops you from taking that tiny step of faith, the one that would be so life-changing for you.

We are working hand in hand with God. A problem comes, we seek the Lord. Often He will give us something to do, we obey Him, He fights for us, and we overcome. When we do, there is a immense blessing and increase bestowed on our life and we respond by being thankful. Think of it as faith in action. Welcome to walking with God.

Prayer: Father, I pray that You lead me into all that You have for me. Give me a clear vision and lead me into triumph. Bring the breakthrough Lord in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.

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