Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd February 14th, 2015 3,426 Views 0 Comments
And now I am about to go the way of all the earth, and you know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed. Josh. 23:14 ESV
When I was young, the Lord spoke to my heart that one day I would be in the ministry and to begin to prepare myself for it. I made a vow that I would not go into ministry unless the Lord opened the way Himself. I began to prepare for it and eagerly went through Bible college. When I graduated and became ordained, expecting to go into ministry, every single door in ministry seemed closed. Even when people did schedule me to speak, they would cancel right before, usually after I had prayed and fasted for a week.
Then I worked in I.T. for the majority of the next twenty years… Finally I decided that I had just misinterpreted His message and missed Him, or perhaps I ruined His plan for me somehow. I had a list of reasons why it didn’t happen. Long after I stopped thinking about ministry and forgot His promise, the I.T. door closed, and suddenly I was pushed into the ministry like cattle herded through a loading chute. Like Moses, by now I had given up and just wanted Him to send someone else, so He made it the only path available to me. It was not what I would call a choice and here I am today.
Be encouraged. The Lord loves you, and if He makes a promise to you about something, you can count on it coming to pass. It began as an “I just know that I know” type of thing at first and then He confirmed His word through several other people. Though it may take a while in our time, it is so beautiful to see His plans come together in your life and well worth any delay that you may face. Keep putting God first in your life and watch His word come to pass.