Behind The Scenes

Posted by Dion Todd December 24th, 2016 9,020 Views 0 Comments

But he answered, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 ESV

After months out of work, the days counted down until we were about to move out of our home. Meanwhile on the other side of town, someone else came into work each morning with a nagging feeling that they should have a pastor on staff, but put it off a little longer.

Having been told that I would be in the ministry over twenty years ago, I had graduated seminary and then just waited. By now I had long since given up on that closed door and worked as a computer network tech until that suddenly dried up.

Finally the day came when God insisted they hire a pastor. It was the day before we were preparing to leave the state. They posted a help wanted ad looking for a pastor with computer and website skills. As we were getting ready to leave home that morning, I had a sudden urge to check the job lists again. I saw the ad and within fifteen minutes of his posting, I had replied to it and we hit it right off. Suddenly I was a full-time pastor.

After years of waiting, I was now in the ministry full time and it was all through very subtle promptings that would have been easy to miss. It was that nagging feeling that you should do something, for me, and for them. Don't give up when things take longer than they should. God is working behind the scenes and when everything lines up, it will happen.

Prayer: Father I pray that you will give me a clear vision for my life and correct my path as needed. I submit to You. Take my life and use it Lord, in the name of Jesus.

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