When The Wind Blows

Posted by Dion Todd November 7th, 2016 10,943 Views 0 Comments

He said, 'Come!' Peter stepped down from the boat, and walked on the waters to come to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, 'You of little faith, why did you doubt?' Matthew 14:29 WEB

As Peter walked across the surface of the water, the wind began to blow stronger. Fear came over him and he began to panic. Then the water beneath his feet started to soften and he began to sink into the sea. Before this moment, Peter had cheerfully been walking across the top of the water, leaving all the others behind in the boat. Now sinking in panic he cried out, "Lord, save me!" and Jesus reached out and took hold of him. Jesus then asked Peter one question: "Why did you doubt?"

Peter had stepped out in faith to come to the Lord Jesus, and it was all working just the way that it should. But of course, when on the edge of a major breakthrough, a life changing event, the wind began to blow furiously in opposition to him and his faith wavered. Peter began to doubt that the Lord wanted him to do this at all. 'What was I thinking? This is crazy! What am I doing here? I can't do this! I am going to drown!' All these thoughts ran through his mind, and that is when he began to sink. Even though his faith failed him, Jesus was there to catch him.

Fear is a spirit, and it will try and turn you back from what the Lord has for you. Fear is the guardian of the good stuff, and you will have to get past it to obtain it. Scripture tells us:

'For God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control' (2 Timothy 1:7).

When you step out in faith, and are on the edge of a major breakthrough, it seems that all hell will break loose against you. Don't give up. Don't give into panic. Only believe. God's plan for you has not changed and He is still calling you to come. God always is calling us into our future, and if we could do it ourselves, we wouldn't need Him. 'I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me' (Philippians 4:13). That includes what you are facing today.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You this day for giving me the opportunity to serve You. Forgive me for being fearful and listening to the voice of the enemy. If You are for me, who can stand against me? What was I thinking to doubt You, the Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth? Fill my life with Your presence, strengthen me, and let me see the world through Your eyes, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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