Buying The Field

Posted by Dion Todd July 1st, 2016 10,885 Views 0 Comments

Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in the field, which a man found, and hid. In his joy, he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Matthew 13:44 WEB

Jesus told a parable of a man who found treasure hidden in a field, then he joyfully sold all that he had so that he could buy it and make it his own. He could not take the treasure without buying the entire field, and though it cost him everything, it was absolutely worth it. His total commitment in buying the field, brought him great treasure.

Jesus is a lot like the treasure in the field. When you truly get a glimpse of Him, nothing else seems to matter. You will joyfully give up all the things that used to seem so important. The more that you give up for His sake, the more that He will give back in return.

I am talking about the things that He is asking you to change in your life, and not what various religious traditions have told you. You can usually ignore those because you do not need to become a replica of someone else in order to please God. Just walk with Him and talk with Him each day of your life and He will bring the right changes to pass, at the right time.

The Kingdom is free, yet in the end will cost you everything. If you do not let go of the things that hold you back, or that you hold more dear than God, then you cannot have the treasure hidden with in it. You have to buy the entire field and the price is great. Stay the course, stay committed, for there will be a great reward for those that do.

Prayer: Father, I choose Your way, lead me into all that You have for me. Bring the changes to my life that need to be done. Help me to grow ever closer to You. Forgive me of the things that I have done wrong and fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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