Who does it?

Posted by Jeffrey Smith June 1st, 2016 2,166 Views 0 Comments

Mark 11:23-24-Truly I tell you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him.

So we read this scripture and wonder, why don't we look at things and tell them to do what we want them to do more often? You would think that we would be telling cancer to leave bodies, and debt to be paid off, and parking spots to open up. Why don't we do this every single day? This is not a rhetorical question. I am legitimately asking you right now, why aren't you doing this more often? 

I am reminded every time I read this of the battle that we have going on in our minds. It is a daily struggle, like a board meeting with high powered members of a fortune 50 company who are all vying for attention and who can take the credit for "THE best decision ever." 

When we read this scripture, the action item for us is to "say." That is. We just have to speak it out of our mouths and that's it. We don't have to go grab a pick axe, and shovel and start at the base of the mountain and start moving it into the sea. "The scripture says that it will be done for him." Why can’t  we accept that? Are we that self-absorbed that we think it necessary to be involved with mountain moving, or is this too metaphorical for some of us? That is a rhetorical question. 

Whatever it is that we want to see done in this life, we have to speak it out, and let Jesus handle the rest. Jesus literally says, "Truly I tell you." Truly means, look this is for real, He is looking us square in the eyes and says, if you do this one thing, it will be done on your behalf. 

Do it, speak it, say it. Let God do the rest. Rest in that. I believe that when we say what it is we desire and leave it in Jesus' hands and move on, it will happen every time. If we roll up our sleeves, grab our hardhat and move to the mountain, it will lie there dormant and without movement. 

Now, if God says, son/daughter, go out there and pick up a shovel and start moving that mountain, well, that’s a different story. He is asking you to be part of it. When we ask Him to do something, He doesn't need our help. Got it? Good. Speak it!

Thank You Father for giving us Your power to think and speak things into existence by faith. It is always on Your timing and in Your way, but You always hear us and move those mountains. In Jesus name, amen. 

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