Wait Here

Posted by Dion Todd January 18th, 2016 12,583 Views 0 Comments

Elijah said to him, Elisha, please wait here, for Yahweh has sent me to Jericho. He said, As Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you. So they came to Jericho. 2 Kings 2:4 WEB

Elisha had worked serving the prophet Elijah for several years when he suddenly asked him to stay behind. Elisha said no and kept following him. Three times in a row Elijah asked him to stay behind somewhere, but Elisha would not stay.

Elisha would not take no for an answer, and he inherited a double portion anointing and lived the life of miracles that we read about today. There were many other Prophets too, fifty at Jericho alone. These all stayed behind and missed the anointing that Elisha received. If Elisha would have listened to those over him and stayed behind, he would missed the best part of his life.

There was a time in my life, where after serving faithfully for years, God called us to move on. I was fasting a lot and my spirit became restless and hungry for more, but we were told by the ones over us to wait. As I looked around, there were people twice my age still waiting there. The leaders meant well, and we received the usual one-on-one sermons about faithfulness, dedication, and rewards for those who wait, but God was telling us to do something else and they could not see it.

We stayed on longer and it became very messy. It would have been better for everyone if we had obeyed God and left gracefully when He told us. Instead, we did it their way and we found that there is no drama like church drama. After taking a year off from church to heal, God plugged us in somewhere else and the Spirit began to flow in our lives again.

There will be times when you will have to choose between obeying God, or man. When you choose to obey man instead, you stall in your journey. This choice may involve a very difficult decision, and you have to be prayerfully careful, but sometimes when God calls you to do something, He just tells YOU about it. Keep yourself humble during this time with fasting and prayer, because pride will blind you. Sometimes to follow God, you cannot accept 'Please Stay Here' as the answer.

Prayer: Father, please give me a clear vision and put me where You want me to be. Speak to me in a clear, unmistakable way that I can understand. Give me grace to live this life and help me make the right decisions, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Good morning, we pray you have a blessed and peaceful day as we commemorate Dr. King''s birthday! ALSO, FYI for those who have blessed this ministry with your financial support, we will be sending contribution statements out by the end of the month. Only those who send one or more gift of $250 need a statement for the IRS, so not all may receive a statement, but please know that we so appreciate every donation, no matter what the amount! We pray for blessings over each one and are thankful for every person who has chosen to walk with RHM. Thank you all and have a blessed day!

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