Posted by Jeffrey Smith August 20th, 2015 2,247 Views 0 Comments

Isaiah 53:4-6: Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed four our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Jesus was born to live, and die, so that we would be free of sickness. The cause of sickness and disease is from the enemy leading us to believe that it is up to us to carry our own afflictions. The word and promise is not wishy washy here. It says SURELY He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. There is no mixing of words, He did it. We all have gone astray like sheep and there is none of us who have ever or who will ever walk this earth who will not inevitably turn to his or her own way. What Jesus did is out of necessity and love. We have to really allow ourselves to see in our mind and in our hearts the healing of our bodies in the moment the spike pierces the loving wrist of Jesus. The second the nail goes through His flesh and connects with the cross is the very second our transgressions were removed from us. We have to see in our minds and in our hearts the whip marks on His back, and the bloodied forehead where the thorns pierced His head. These are not settling images for sure. The price of sin is death, and Jesus took from us what rightfully belongs to us for all of our actions and inaction. What is an even larger injustice is to know what He did, and still carry our sin, sickness, and transgressions. Do not let the sacrifice of Jesus fall impotent in your life. Trade your sorrow for praise. Reach out with a thankful hug to Jesus. Be lifted up by the action of Jesus, and give Him glory for what He has done. Think about the billions of people who have walked this earth and will walk this earth. Feel the magnitude of what was done for each of us collectively. Every evil, disgusting, vile, thing that we have done was punished in the body of Jesus Christ once and for all. We no longer have to accept sickness in our lives. We no longer have to stand accused before the Father. His wrath, the sickness of all ages was poured out on our savior in one amazing act of love. The act of honoring Jesus is when we see Him taking away our afflictions, our sorrows, our pain, and have peace, wholeness, wellness, prosperity, and love for all of us who are free brothers and sisters. When we see others in pain, suffering, sick, in lack, and impoverished, it is not because of God the Father, or Jesus not loving them, it is because they just do not yet know the power of what has already been done for them. We too often get caught up in the lie we are told by the enemy that we believe we are not part of the sacrifice of Jesus because we have done too many things wrong, or we have broken too many rules, or we have made too many bad choices.

The fact is, we all have gone astray, but the Lord has laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. The promise is not that we can be healed, but that we are healed. Do not be led by a lie, like a sheep wandering off away from the flock, but instead rely on the promise that has been completed at the cross for all of us, not some, all of us. We who see Jesus, who call on Jesus, who know Jesus, are healed. Believe that and no sickness, no disease, no sorrow is too much for the sacrifice that was rightfully ours,and is the only truth you need to be free in all things.

Father, help us to see the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, not as words to remember, but as a daily reminder of the violent punishment of the wicked poured out on His body that we deserve. Not that we should feel guilty, but that we are reminded of the cost of our lives, the value you placed on each of us in Jesus name. We ask that You remind us so that we will never grow callous to the truth, that by His wounds we are healed. In Jesus name, Amen.

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