Welcome to Refreshing Hope Ministries! I can't seem to find that page for you. It is probably still here, but the location may have changed during our website migration.

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1 John 3:16: This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

I found this handsome boy as I drove the highway in Pennsylvania on my way to a Christian music festival. Here was this tiny kitten just trotting along a 4 lane highway with no houses for miles! I had to pull over and rescue him! His name is Jack. (I never made it to the Festival! :) )

I found this handsome boy as I drove the highway in Pennsylvania on my way to a Christian music festival. Here was this tiny kitten just trotting along a 4 lane highway with no houses for miles! I had to pull over and rescue him! His name is Jack. (I never made it to the Festival! :) )

This pet was uploaded by: Audry Reddy.